Tuesday, March 15, 2011

how to remove pregnency strech marks how to prevent pregenency strech marks Down with Stretch Marks


What’s that one nagging beauty bug common to all women (emm...in certain cases men too)? It’s called stretch marks. So, you have been worried about this beauty menace? Fret not duhling, here is your action plan:

The sightings

Stretch marks first appear around puberty, when the body fills up. They are common during pregnancy when the skin stretches and tears.Even a sudden bout of exercise that bunches up the muscles can cause ugh stretch marks. The skin is super elastic but it can take just so much of stretching. Beyond that, the skin tends to tear and this causes stretch marks.

Prevention mantra

Never did the good old saying about prevention being better than the cure apply more. The thing about these marks is, they never vanish completely, although they can be lightened, so it is best to avoid them.They mostly appear in the areas of the body that store most of the fat - stomach, breasts, thighs, upper arms, buttocks and hips.
If you’re planning a pregnancy or have been putting on weight, it may be a good idea to try the age-old way of preventing stretch marks. Soften skin with regular oil, cocoa butter or cream massage.
Some women swear by coconut oil, since it expands to cover more skin when needed. Others trust their skin to the care of olive oil. Any over-the-counter cream with Vitamin E should help. If it contains elastin even better.

Preventive measures

Here’s some good news stretch marks lighten over time. Naturopaths recommend continuing with a softening agent like coconut oil, once a day, for some months.
Beauticians and dermatologists may suggest laser treatment. Microdermabrasion or a peel can be your answer to stretch marks. Another method is the tummy tuck which is a surgical procedure for treating these marks.
A latest method of treatment is the fractional laser resurfacing where lasers force the body to produce new collagen to colour the marks. But remember, different skin types and colours may respond differently to any treatment.

So you HAVE TO consult a specialist before any treatment. Avoid prolonged use of medicated ointments and oral medicines with steroids like hydrocortisone can cause stretch marks.

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