Wednesday, November 24, 2010

andhra pradesh Local Pubs exploiting Pg3 Celebs

Local Pubs exploiting Pg3 Celebs
Earlier, to make the pages inside city editions sizzling, the daily newspapers used to publish the hot pics of business women and their wine-dine friends of the city to attract the readers. Later, it went on to become 'Pg 3' cult and the lens men of these papers often charged some 'gifts' from these social animals to get their picture published. The recent addition to that Pg3 culture is websites and blogs.

Off late, the newspapers and websites used to send their photographers for these hi-fi parties and get some hotties clicked. Some time afterwards, the pubs and discos used to charge an amount from the camera holders to make some decent money. At present, the pubs themselves are getting the photographs clicked with their own photographers and are selling these pics at a cost to the media. A photo which reveals most of that party freak girl is sold out for whopping money. In this way, the happening pubs of Hyderabad are exploiting the hot bodies of Pg3 girls and aunties to earn superfluous bucks. Though some of them may feel intruding on their privacy, most of these babes love to see their pics published.

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