Thursday, June 20, 2013

7 Signs You are Dating a Control Freak control freak, boyfriend, girlfriend, dating, relationship, couple If you notice that you are defending yourself most of the time before him, he’s a control freak.

7 Signs You are Dating a Control Freak Ever heard friends tell you to stand up to your man? Do you think you’ve never had an opinion any time you wanted to, only because your boyfriend is busy opining on your behalf? Do you feel that you're dictated terms to, but are always made to believe that the deed's done for your good? Maybe it isn’t the way it seems! You are probably dating a control freak, who loves to make you live your life his way. Here are the indications that your partner is one.

Possessive to the core: Yes, this is a key and, probably, the first sign your partner will show when he’s a control freak. Can he never take situations lightly especially when it deals with other men? Is he always suspecting you of hitting on others? Does he make a scene to show you off in front of people because he wants to prove you belong to him? That surely is an indicator.

You are not 'you' anymore: When your friends start complaining that you've changed excessively and try explaining the change to you, that's a sign. Remember, friends always get to know such things before anyone else, and will hint about it to you too.

He needs to know every take: No matter how personal it is, no matter which friend it is about, your boyfriend needs to know the details like nobody else does. And God forbid, if you decide not to tell him about something, the drama that follows, will totally not be worth the trouble.

He has a rulebook for you: There's a list of dos and don'ts he chalks out for you, and also a list of what is good and/or bad for you; just that he adds endearments like baby, honey, darling, along with the lineup! And he's so busy telling you right from wrong, that by now you start thinking the way he does, liking and disliking the same things he does.

You are always answerable to him: No matter what happens, your boyfriend will want a justification included with the account. If you notice that you are defending yourself most of the time before him, he’s a control freak. He needs to know your every move, that's how he likes it. Thus he makes sure you let him know the reasons why you've done a certain thing or behaved in a certain way.

He involves the family: So you've done something without telling your parents and your boyfriend doesn't approve of it either. Here's when he plays his trump card, informs your parents on your behalf thereby endearing himself to them and leaving you to face the brickbats alone. But hey! it's for "your good" anyway. "Stop cribbing."

He spies: When your boyfriend is sleuthing around and busy gathering information about you from close friends, he's controlling. Get to know how often he speaks to your friends and whether he inquires much about you.

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