Thursday, May 24, 2012

what should i do when i go to the college or job far away from home going far away from home Tips to Follow When Moving Out of Home

You’ve just graduated and have been offered two dream jobs. One is in the city where you currently live and other in another city not so close to home. Even though moving out and getting your freedom is tempting, you are concerned about living alone. It’s only natural.

Moving out is increasingly becoming the norm with most young people these days. Whether it is better opportunities or sheer need for freedom that leads to the decision, many of us have chosen to leave the nest.

The learning processLiving on your own makes you responsible for yourself and your life. “It’s like going to survival school. In addition to learning to manage a house, I have discovered I’m a talented cook,” exclaims 22-year-old Sunita Rao, an MBA student. You may make some mistakes along the way, but hey, aren’t you supposed to learn from them?

One reason many women cite for moving out of their parents’ homes is the independence they get. “I can step in and out whenever I want without my parents grumbling about it,” says 26-year-old Bidisha Ghosal, a journalist who moved from Kolkata to Mumbai two years ago.

All alone…
It is not all quite so rosy though. All this independence comes at a price. Your life is yours to do with as you please, but the chores are all yours too!

“I work odd hours. It is very difficult to take time out to cook or clean the apartment. I can’t even hire a maid because I don’t have any fixed timings,” says Bidisha. With the expenses you have to bear living on your own, you may not even be able to afford a maid.

You are also responsible for your own safety. “I was very rebellious as a child but now that I am on my own, I set myself a curfew,” says Bidisha.

Dos and Don’ts
Here are a list of rules that you might want to follow when living on your own:

1) Make a list of your expenses and budget your living. Otherwise you will be broke within the first ten days of the month.
2) Eat home-cooked meals. They are cheaper and healthier. If you can’t cook then hire a cook or pay a dabbawalla for your meals.
3) If you are staying out late at night, make sure you are not coming home alone. Get a friend to drop you or crash with someone.
4) Make a work schedule for the house. Don’t let household work pile up or you will ruin your days off.
5) Learn some DIY. Handymen are not always available when you need them.

So consider carefully the pros and cons of leaving home. Talk to friends who have moved out to see if you will be able to adjust to an independent life and then take the plunge

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