Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Results of the Good Food Magic Mix i want to loose my weight by eating food combinations how to reduce food by eating combinations of food Lose Weight by Eating the Right Food Combos

People who are constantly obsessing about their weight fall prey to bizarre dietary 'magic' formulas and fad diets. However, if you know a few tricks about food combinations, you could follow a healthy diet pattern instead of looking enviously at people who seem to eat anything that isn't nailed down and still remain slim. While following a whole grain, legumes and vegetable format works, the macrobiotic trick is to understand the principles of food combinations. This is also good news for people with sensitive tummies and those possessed by the idea of losing weight. Usually, sensitive tummy victims have an over-growth of yeast (candida) in their gut. So get your tummy back on track and lose the bloating.

Results of the Good Food Magic Mix

When you start making good food combinations, it results in:
  • Lesser putrefaction in the stomach, therefore lesser bad bacteria floating around and tendency to develop candida.
  • You will be blessed with a stronger digestive system (and remember the colon is a reflection of your mind!)
  • Guaranteed weight loss, as the chance of you developing toxins decreases, you store less fat and lose the bloated feeling.

What to Eat

  • Eat protein with green and non-starchy veggies
  • Greens benifit the liver. So they are necessary
  • Eat whole grains and starchy vegetables with non-starchy veggies. E.g. A patato salad with leafy greens.
  • Acidic fruits can be combined with yogurt. Indians use a lot of tomatoes and they assimilate better when greens are thrown in.

What Not to Eat

  • Never combine high fats with proteins, it delays digestion of the protein
  • Fruits digest first before anything else, therefore clubbing them with anything else will always pose a problem
  • Stop feeding the yeast in your yogurt with yeasted products like bread, wine, cakes etc. This lets the yeast thrive.

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