Friday, April 1, 2011

how to keep my teeth healthy dental health some methods of dental make over how to make my teeth look good

People are getting increasingly conscious about their dental health. Also, we as a society are obsessed about outward appearance. A smile is one of the first things one notices, and as they say, first impressions are lasting impressions. Don't we all wish to sport million dollar smiles like our celebs? That's because sporting a bright smile makes one more attractive and boosts one's self-esteem too.
What is it?

Cosmetic dentist Dr Mukul Dabholkar says, "Teeth whitening also known as dental bleaching is a common procedure in the field of cosmetic dentistry in which the teeth are whitened without damaging them." As one grows older, teeth become yellow. People try to make them whiter by brushing harder, damaging both teeth and gums badly and irreversibly. Bleaching tightens the gums and because the teeth are whiter indirectly prevents the damage being done by the person. "An increasing number of people are opting for this procedure to lift out stains from the teeth surface which accumulate due to a number of reasons, the major ones being the consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee and smoking," says aesthetic dentist Dr Karishma Jaradi.

Increasing popularity
Cosmetic teeth whitening has become a popular choice for the modern generation, which places high importance on appearance and grooming. People of all age groups nowadays tend to do teeth whitening and it has increasingly become a routine procedure as whitening makes one look younger. Dr Karishma explains, "The number of youngsters are increasing as they are more concerned about their looks and smile. Opting for teeth whitening is equally common between men and women as teeth whitening can boost your self-esteem and allow you to smile and it also helps you to cut those habits of covering your mouth. Having a pearly white set of teeth and a sparkling and radiant smile can not only make you look young and attractive but also boost up your confidence level to new heights."

What is the procedure?
Microscopic intrinsic stains present between the teeth gives them a dull and yellowish appearance. These stains are professionally removed by experts with the use of peroxide based agent. The peroxide reacts with such stain producing substances thereby oxidising and removing them completely. The gums and lips are protected by barriers to prevent them from certain peroxides, says dental surgeon, Dr Shantanu Jaradi. Dr Dabholkar explains the three ways in which teeth can be whitened:
OTC (over the counter) products: This is a method in which you place the plastic sheet supplied by the manufacturer in hot water and on softening press it against the teeth in the mouth to form a tray and then fill it with the material supplied by the manufacturer. It has limited whitening value mainly because the concentration of the material is minimum for safety reasons as basically it a non supervised procedure.

Professional bleaching: Could be chair side hourly sessions over three, seven or 10 days. Home bleaching (dentist assisted with customised tray): In home bleaching, the tray to hold the bleaching material is fabricated by the dentist in the laboratory so it is more accurate and can keep the bleaching material in close contact with the yellow teeth without spreading all over the mouth unlike the over-the-counter products bleaching system. This ensures usage of a much higher concentration and more effective material.

Any risks?
There are no side effects of this procedure. The treatment is not painful at all. Depending from person to person, at times there may be slight sensitivity in the teeth. But this sensitivity is temporary and vanishes within 12 hours, opines Dr Shantanu. However, he warns against over-the-counter products saying, "The results coming from these kits are not instant and effective as the chairside procedure. If directions are not followed properly home-whitening kits can have certain adverse effects."

Is it cost-effective?
After undergoing teeth whitening, one's teeth may darken by two shades within two to three years provided the whitened teeth aren't abused by drinking excess red wine, orange juice or other dark coloured food and beverages. Touch up with a dentist or fabricated home bleach system or chair side procedure after a period of three years cost lesser and is less time consuming. The cosmetic teeth whitening treatment can range anywhere between Rs 8,000 and 45,000. These days anyone can afford this treatment as per their budget.

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