Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How are Kegel Exercises performed How do Kegel exercises work What are Kegel Exercises i want to Improve my Sex Life with Kegels

Improve Your Sex Life with Kegels
Most people are unaware about how much they can improve their sex lives with these simple Kegel exercises. What are Kegel exercises, you ask? Well to put it simply, Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. These exercises require no equipment or designated time and space. Do them while driving, watching television, sitting at your desk, just about anywhere! Even pregnant women can practise Kegel exercises without worrying about anything. So what are you waiting for…read on and improve your sex life with Kegels today.

What are Kegel Exercises? Kegel exercises were developed by Dr. Arnold Kegel to help pregnant women have more physical control for a comparatively quick, complication free delivery and recovery from childbirth and for urinary incontinence. In recent years, Kegels have proved to be equally useful for sexual fulfillment, by enhancing sexual performance in both men & women. Kegels strengthen the Pubococcygeus (PC) muscles or the pelvic floor muscles, which cradle the internal sexual organs. Strong PC muscles play a very important role in the sexual response in both men & women. The spasms of orgasm are a result of rapid involuntary contractions of the PC muscles.

How do Kegel exercises work? Kegel exercises strengthen the PC muscles by increasing the flow of blood circulation in the pelvic region, thus improving their tone and sensitivity. Strong PC muscles result in stronger sensations during arousal and orgasm. Squeezing them during sex can enhance the orgasmic pleasure for women.

How are Kegel Exercises performed? The PC muscles are located at the base of the pelvis in between the legs. Remember- Do not contract your thigh, glutes (hip) or abdominal muscles in this process.
  • To start with, sit in a relaxed position with your legs slightly apart or lie down on your back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. 
  • Now focus and start contracting the PC muscles as tightly as you can, 30 to 50 repetitions in rapid succession. Breathe freely throughout. 
  • After this, contract and hold the PC muscles for 5 seconds and then relax for 5 seconds, gradually increasing this to 10 second contractions and 10 second relaxation. 
  • As you master this, keep introducing variations by holding the contractions for longer durations with equal rest intervals. 

Perform Kegels three times a day, for 5 to 10 minutes each session, all seven days of the week.

Word of advice: Do not perform Kegel exercises with a full bladder or while urinating. If done so, it can actually weaken the muscles as well as lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, which increases the risk of urinary tract infection.

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