Saturday, April 9, 2011

Essential Tips to Travel Across Europe important tips for travel in europe travelling in europe

Essential Tips to Travel Across Europe

Are you planning a vacation to the breathtaking rolling landscapes of Europe? We share with you little details like when to book your tickets and the Visa that you'll require along with places to see and where to eat. With these tips you are bound to have a super fun Europe vacation!

Plan & book in advance
Start booking your accommodation, car, train or airline tickets at least three months in advance. Because if you don't, the cheapest and most convenient options will be taken-up by Australian and American tourists, and you will be left fishing through the leftovers. Worse, the options won't even be cheap.

Don't try to cover UK and other European countries at the same time. Mainly because while you can enter most European countries (Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain) on a Schengen visa, but you will have to apply for a different, and more expensive visa, to visit the UK. You are better-off covering them on different trips.

North Europe vs South EuropeNorth Europe (Scandinavia, Benelux, Switzerland, North France and Italy) is generally cooler, greener and more expensive than Southern Europe (South of France, Southern Italy, Spain and Greece). The landscape shifts dramatically as you move from North to South. If you are looking for the DDLJ's Europe, visit North Europe; but if you are looking for Chalte Chalte's Europe, visit Southern Europe.

Pack smartly
If you plan to visit Europe anytime between May and August, you needn't bother with heavy coats or jackets. It will be deliciously warm and sunny, and a light sweater will be more than adequate. Why carry dead weight around? In fact, if you are visiting any place lining the Mediterranean Sea, the summer lasts almost till the end of October.

Carry good shoesUnlike America or Australia, European cities are best enjoyed walking. In any case, with their narrow streets, historical quarters, cafe life pouring on to the streets, they are a bloody pain to drive around in. So do remember to get a comfortable pair of walking shoes with you. It is a purchase you won't regret.

Try to step out of the touristy city centresMost European cities will have a lively, historical city centre. Most tourists tend to congregate there. Visit the city centre, but try to avoid eating or shopping there: the food and shopping will be far cheaper and better in the neighbourhoods outside the tourist town centres.

Expect to face some language issues
It is handy to speak English in Europe but it doesn't always work: particularly, in restaurants or transport links. Learn a few stock phrases in the language of the country you are visiting: "Where is the train station", "I am lost", "Where is the nearest ATM", "I am vegetarian - no fish, no chicken either".

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