Monday, April 11, 2011

Beauty Tips for SummerSunscreen is a must during summers Deep conditioning Lip care Cucumber cool

Sunscreen is a must during summers. You must apply a sunscreen with an SPF value of 15 or higher to protect your skin from the harmful rays. Make sure that you apply your sunscreen atleast half an hour before you step out in the sun, for optimum results. The most important thing to be remembered is sunscreen has to be applied above the moisturiser and below the make up. 
Deep conditioning Is the humid weather causing your hair to get frizzy? Deep conditioning is your solution. Try to wash your hair atleast four times in a week as it is very important to wash away the sweat and grime that is easily accumulated during the summers. Also, avoid blow drying your hair as the sun gives you enough heat already. 
Lip care: You never forget to dab Vaseline on your lips in winter, do you? Well, you need to do so in summer as well! Ignoring the lips during summers, result in the lips turning dry and chapped. You must apply a little sunscreen on your lips as well, before stepping out. Before going to bed, rub a few drops of pure almond oil on your lips. This will ensure that your lips look soft and pink. 
Cucumber cool: Feeling hot hot hot? Your skin needs to cool down too. Run a small peeled cucumber and 4-5 almonds through a blender. Add some cold milk to the paste. Apply it on your face and voila! Say hello to super soft skin with all the internal heat soaked up!

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