சமீபத்தில் வெளிவந்த "கலகலப்பு" படத்தின் வெற்றியை தொடர்ந்து, இயக்குநர்
சுந்தர்.சியும், யு.டி.வி மோஷன் பிக்சர்ஸீம் உடனடியாக இணைந்து
உருவாக்கியிருக்கும் படம் தான் "தீயா வேலை செய்யணும் குமாரு..."
ஹீரோ சித்தார்த்தின் குடும்பம், பாட்டன், பூட்டன் காலத்திலிருந்தே பரம்பரை
பரம்பரையாக காதல் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டு புரட்சி பண்ணி வரும் குடும்பம்.
சித்தார்த்தின் அக்காக்கள் இருவரும் கூட காதல் திருமணம் புரிந்தவர்கள்
தான். ஆனால் ஐ.டி. கம்பெனியில் கைநிறைய சம்பளம் வாங்கும் சித்தார்த்துக்கு
மட்டும் காதல், எட்டிக்காயாக கசக்கிறது. காரணம் சின்ன வயதிலும், பள்ளி
கல்லூரி பருவங்களிலும் அவர் சக மாணவிகளிடம் வாங்கிய லவ்-பல்புகள் தான்!
இந்நிலையில் தம்பிக்கு ஒரு லவ் மேரேஜை செய்து பார்த்துவிட வேண்டும் எனும்
அக்காக்களின் பேராசையாலும், அத்தான்களின் ஒத்தாசையாலும், தன்
அலுவலகத்திற்கு புதிதாக பேரழகியாக வந்து சேரும் சஞ்சனா எனும் ஹன்சிகா
மோத்வானியை காதலியாக அடையத்துடிக்கிறார் குமார் எனும் சித்தார்த்! அதற்காக
காசுக்கு காதல் டிப்ஸ்களை வாரி வழங்கி பலரது காதல் கைகூட காரணமாக இருக்கும்
மோக்கியா சந்தானத்தின் உதவியை நாடுகிறார் சித்தார்த்!
கண்டபடி காசை
வாங்கிக் கொண்டு சித்தார்த்தை, காதலில் தீயா வேலை செய்ய சொல்கிறார்
சந்தானம்... சந்தானத்தின் ஐடியாபடி சித்தார்த் பண்ணும் காதல்
கலாட்டாக்களும், அதற்கு ஹன்சிகா அசைந்து கொடுத்தாரா? இல்லையா? என்பதுடன்,
இன்னும் சில கலர்புல் திருப்பங்களை கலந்து கட்டி தந்திருப்பதும் தான் "தீயா
வேலை செய்யணும் குமாரு" படத்தின் வித்தியாசமும், விறுவிறுப்புமான
நாயகர் சித்தார்த், ஆரம்பத்தில் அசமந்தமாக காதலில்
பிடிப்பில்லாமல் கொஞ்சம் சோகமே உருவாக திரிவதும், பின் சந்தானத்தின்
ஐடியாபடி லவ்வர் பாயாக மாறி ஹன்சிகாவை சுற்றி சுற்றி வந்து காதலில்
கலக்குவதும், தன் காதலுக்கு வில்லனாக வரும் கணேஷ் வெங்கட்ராமை வெறும்
வதந்தி மூலம் கட்டம் கட்டி தூக்குவதுமாக செம காதல் கலாட்டாக்கள்
புரிந்திருக்கிறார். சித்தார்த்திற்குள் இப்படி தீயா வேலை செய்யும் ஒரு
குமாரா.?! எனும் ஆச்சர்யத்தை கிளப்புகிறார் மனிதர்!!
நாயகி ஹன்சிகா,
முந்தைய படங்களைக் காட்டிலும் நிறையவே ஸ்லிம் ஆகி செம செக்ஸி லுக்கில்
சித்தார்த்தை மட்டுமல்ல, படம் பார்க்கும் ரசிகர்களையும் காதலிக்க தூண்டுவது
மாதிரி நடித்திருப்பது "தீயா வேலை செய்யணும் குமாரு" படத்திற்கு பலம்
சித்தார்த், ஹன்சிகா இருவரையும் காட்டிலும்
காசுக்கு, காதலுக்கு உதவும் கேரக்டரில் காமெடியனாக வரும் மோக்கியா எனும்
சந்தானம் தான் இப்படத்தின் ஹீரோ, ஹீரோயின், வில்லன், கேரக்டர் ஆர்ட்டிஸ்ட்
எனும் அளவிற்கு எல்லோரது பாத்திரத்திலும் புகுந்து புறப்பட்டு
கலாய்த்திருக்கிறார். கணேஷ் வெங்கட்ராமை பார்த்து, "அது யாருடா அது
செல்வராகவன் பட செகண்ட் ஹீரோ மாதிரி செம அழகா இருப்பது..", "ஆர்யாவுக்கு 6
லட்சம் ரூபாய்க்கு காதல் டிப்ஸ் தந்தவன் நான்...." என்பதில் தொடங்கி
சித்தார்த்தின் காதலுக்கு அவரது அக்கா-தங்கை, அத்தான்கள் என அனைவரும்
உதவுவதை பார்த்து, "இது குடும்பம் அல்ல விக்ரமன் படம்..." என்று கமெண்ட்
அடிப்பது வரை சந்தானத்தின் ஒவ்வொரு டயலாக்களும் தியேட்டரே சிரிப்பிலும்,
விசில் சப்தத்திலும் அதிர்கிறது! பேஷ், பேஷ்!!
செகண்ட் ஹீரோ கணேஷ்
வெங்கட்ராம், மொட்டை பாஸ்கி, எப்.எம்.பாலாஜி, டீம் லீடர் விச்சு,
சித்ராலட்சுமணன், டெல்லி கணேஷ், ஸ்ரீரஞ்சனி, ஜான் விஜய் உள்ளிட்ட
ஒவ்வொருவரும் பாத்திரமறிந்து பளிச்சிட்டிருக்கின்றனர்.
சுந்தரின் உடையலங்காரம், கோபி அமர்நாத்தின் அழகிய ஒளிப்பதிவு, சத்யாவின்
இனிய இசை எல்லாம் சேர்ந்து, சுந்தர்.சி.யின் எழுத்து இயக்கத்தில், "தீயா
வேலை செய்யணும் குமாரு" படத்தை "தியேட்டரில் போய் பார்க்கணும் ரசிகரு..."
எனும் ஆவலை ஏ, பி, சி எல்லா சென்டரிலும் ஏற்படுத்தி விடும் என்றால்
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Friday, June 21, 2013
Kareena Kapoor: The Heart Doesn’t Grow Wiser At Any Age Kareena Kapoor, interview, Bollywood, love, relationship, Saif,
What does the term ‘heroine’ mean to you?‘Heroine’
doesn’t just mean the glamorous me on magazine covers. There’s much
more to me than that. People use the word ‘heroine’ dismissively as if
we’re some objects. But we’re very much human and normal. At least, I
The film Heroine had first come to you, then it went to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and is now back with you…Heroine was always my film. Madhur Bhandarkar and I had been planning to work together since Page 3. He had offered me Page 3 and Fashion, both of which I couldn’t do due to date problems. Finally, we’re doing this mega project. Somewhere, I believe I was born to play this role. Since childhood, I’ve always wanted to be an actress.
Do you believe you’ll get work when you’re older?
(Smiles) I hope so. I have the talent and I have proved it. I don’t think anyone else could do what Meryl Streep did in The Devil Wears Prada. At 64, she has done a splendid job. I wish when I’m that old, someone will write such a role for me. Your sister Karisma Kapoor has not had a smooth marriage. How do you feel when you see her go through trying times? Lolo has always been an epitome of strength. She has the dignity not many people have. She’s been successful in her own right and the roadblock she’s overcome is commendable. I don’t think even I could have done that. Things are fine now and I’m happy she has overcome the pain. She has come out a winner and it’s not as much a public thing as it could’ve been. One of the main reasons for that is the way Lolo has conducted herself. She has always been quiet and doesn’t talk too much. But that doesn’t mean she’s weak. Also, that’s why people love her. She’s stronger than me.
News is you’re getting married early this year (to Saif Ali Khan). True?
(Sighs) People have already decided when and where the marriage is going to happen, including what’s on the menu. Let’s put it this way, marriage is a commitment and I’m committed already. (Smiles) I’m in love. I’ve managed to balance my personal and professional life through the years, and managed to maintain my position at the box office. Whenever I was seeing someone, I never hid the fact. I could never understand why people asked me to keep my relationship with Saif under wraps. They thought it would affect my career but it didn’t and look where I am. Saif is in my life and nothing’s changed. Similarly, when my marriage date gets locked, I won’t hide it. And I’ll definitely continue to act. Why should anything change that?
Is it different being in a relationship at 30 than it was when you were 21? Does age make you more equipped to handle heartache?
(Thinks hard) I don’t think one is equipped to deal with heartache at any age. The heart doesn’t grow wiser, it’s the mind. You can never get accustomed to pain. But the way you approach it is different. In my 20s, I was irresponsible. I didn’t care about anything. I did all the things a 21-year-old would do. At 30, I behave my age. I’m happy, mature and content.
In what ways do you connect with Saif?
We both are suckers for love. And we both love the same things. I like to work and then cut off from the industry. He likes doing the same. We love to travel, we love the same kind of places, the same food and the same television shows. The only area where we differ is in the kind of movies we like. He likes Kill Bill and Star Wars and I love The Bridges of Madison County. (Laughs) I cry easily while watching a film and he can’t understand why. And when he watches Star Wars, he’s completely lost. Nothing can take him away from a Tarantino film. But we balance that. He sometimes watches the movies I like. He loves to read, I don’t. But there are a lot of things he’s exposed me to. He loves hunting and talks a lot about it. It has broadened my horizons. He’s an outdoor person. He always suggests that the dinner table be laid out in the open when we’re on a holiday. He’s used to open spaces while I’m familiar with the ‘building’ concept.
What’s the most important thing about this bond?
There has to be a comfortable bond between two people. Fortunately, for me and Saif, that sense of connection came in very early. We’re connected at a deep level. Thanks to this bond, I can stay without Saif, even when he’s shooting outdoors.
Does he bore you at times?
(Smiles) He’s very entertaining. I’m very entertaining too. I’m talkative. And when I start, he has no choice but to listen. So, where’s the question of boring each other?
Does the 10-year age gap with Saif bother you?
No. Ours is a mental connect. Age can never be a problem. There should be a strong bond and feelings of love and care. We know that we’re there for each other. (Smiles) I would’ve loved him even if he were 10 years younger to me. He has a beautiful mind.
Saif’s daughter Sara has entered her teens. How is your equation with her?
I’m very, very fond of her. She’s intelligent. Whenever we meet, she chats candidly with me. She’s dignified, correct and well-mannered. I buy her lots of clothes. Obviously, she doesn’t wear my stuff as the teens have their preferences. My cupboard is full of pyjamas, torn jeans, chappals and trashy clothes. (Laughs) People believe that an actress’ wardrobe would have all kinds of sexy clothes and gowns but it’s nothing like that.
What about Saif’s son Ibrahim?
He’s much younger. It will take time to fully connect with him. Both kids bond deeply with their father and that’s what gives them a sense of solidarity. They have a wonderful mom (Amrita Singh) who has nurtured them well.
You come from a broken home. Does that make you extra sensitive to Saif’s children?
Yes. I tell Saif that it’s important to spend time with the kids. My parents’ (Randhir Kapoor and Babita) separation did not affect my personality negatively because my father has been a wonderful friend. He may not be physically present all the time but he’s always there for me emotionally.
Saif became a father at a young age. Would you call him a more responsible father now?
I didn’t know him then. But since the last four years, right from the time we did Tashan, he has become a great father. Somewhere, he’s also more settled. The restlessness is gone. I’ve brought calm in his life. And when he’s calm, he can think well. He has a fantastic relationship with his daughter, which I wish I shared with my father. They talk about everything under the sun. She calls up to share everything with him.
Just like your presence has made him calmer, what has he brought into your life?
(Smiles) I’m just happier. I’m ready to face life in a better way. He has exposed me to much more, things which I never knew I’d like. Now, I’ve figured out what I like and what I don’t in life. If I could have some friends like Saif, it would be great.
Is he like a mentor to you?
No, not a mentor. But his biggest quality is that he lets me do what I want. Of course, I don’t stop him either. I’ve never asked Saif not to work with anyone. Instead, I always insist he work with new people.
Apparently, he wasn’t keen on you working with Hrithik Roshan and Shahid Kapoor...
Saif will always tell me what he feels and he’s never said any such thing. Even in the case of bold scenes, he understands I’m an actress and am just playing a character. He doesn’t even ask where I’m shooting.
Is Saif a reluctant actor? He doesn’t do too many films….
(Frowns) I know! Aamir Khan and Saif are the best we have. They take to their characters so beautifully. Saif does less work. He doesn’t always like what he’s offered. Agent Vinod, which he’s producing, has taken a toll on him.
Were you comfortable working with Saif as an actor-producer on Agent Vinod?
(Frowns) No man! As a producer, he’s always so stressed. I love working with Saif when he’s just acting. Frankly speaking, when I don’t like the place we’re shooting at and I say, ‘Listen, why are we shooting here?’ then it gets a little personal for him, as he’s also the producer of the film. One has to be careful about what one says or how one behaves. He involves himself in the creative aspects of the film too. If you have other aspects to look into, obviously your focus will blur and you tend to get irritated.
The film Heroine had first come to you, then it went to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and is now back with you…Heroine was always my film. Madhur Bhandarkar and I had been planning to work together since Page 3. He had offered me Page 3 and Fashion, both of which I couldn’t do due to date problems. Finally, we’re doing this mega project. Somewhere, I believe I was born to play this role. Since childhood, I’ve always wanted to be an actress.
Do you believe you’ll get work when you’re older?
(Smiles) I hope so. I have the talent and I have proved it. I don’t think anyone else could do what Meryl Streep did in The Devil Wears Prada. At 64, she has done a splendid job. I wish when I’m that old, someone will write such a role for me. Your sister Karisma Kapoor has not had a smooth marriage. How do you feel when you see her go through trying times? Lolo has always been an epitome of strength. She has the dignity not many people have. She’s been successful in her own right and the roadblock she’s overcome is commendable. I don’t think even I could have done that. Things are fine now and I’m happy she has overcome the pain. She has come out a winner and it’s not as much a public thing as it could’ve been. One of the main reasons for that is the way Lolo has conducted herself. She has always been quiet and doesn’t talk too much. But that doesn’t mean she’s weak. Also, that’s why people love her. She’s stronger than me.
News is you’re getting married early this year (to Saif Ali Khan). True?
(Sighs) People have already decided when and where the marriage is going to happen, including what’s on the menu. Let’s put it this way, marriage is a commitment and I’m committed already. (Smiles) I’m in love. I’ve managed to balance my personal and professional life through the years, and managed to maintain my position at the box office. Whenever I was seeing someone, I never hid the fact. I could never understand why people asked me to keep my relationship with Saif under wraps. They thought it would affect my career but it didn’t and look where I am. Saif is in my life and nothing’s changed. Similarly, when my marriage date gets locked, I won’t hide it. And I’ll definitely continue to act. Why should anything change that?
Is it different being in a relationship at 30 than it was when you were 21? Does age make you more equipped to handle heartache?
(Thinks hard) I don’t think one is equipped to deal with heartache at any age. The heart doesn’t grow wiser, it’s the mind. You can never get accustomed to pain. But the way you approach it is different. In my 20s, I was irresponsible. I didn’t care about anything. I did all the things a 21-year-old would do. At 30, I behave my age. I’m happy, mature and content.
In what ways do you connect with Saif?
We both are suckers for love. And we both love the same things. I like to work and then cut off from the industry. He likes doing the same. We love to travel, we love the same kind of places, the same food and the same television shows. The only area where we differ is in the kind of movies we like. He likes Kill Bill and Star Wars and I love The Bridges of Madison County. (Laughs) I cry easily while watching a film and he can’t understand why. And when he watches Star Wars, he’s completely lost. Nothing can take him away from a Tarantino film. But we balance that. He sometimes watches the movies I like. He loves to read, I don’t. But there are a lot of things he’s exposed me to. He loves hunting and talks a lot about it. It has broadened my horizons. He’s an outdoor person. He always suggests that the dinner table be laid out in the open when we’re on a holiday. He’s used to open spaces while I’m familiar with the ‘building’ concept.
What’s the most important thing about this bond?
There has to be a comfortable bond between two people. Fortunately, for me and Saif, that sense of connection came in very early. We’re connected at a deep level. Thanks to this bond, I can stay without Saif, even when he’s shooting outdoors.
Does he bore you at times?
(Smiles) He’s very entertaining. I’m very entertaining too. I’m talkative. And when I start, he has no choice but to listen. So, where’s the question of boring each other?
Does the 10-year age gap with Saif bother you?
No. Ours is a mental connect. Age can never be a problem. There should be a strong bond and feelings of love and care. We know that we’re there for each other. (Smiles) I would’ve loved him even if he were 10 years younger to me. He has a beautiful mind.
Saif’s daughter Sara has entered her teens. How is your equation with her?
I’m very, very fond of her. She’s intelligent. Whenever we meet, she chats candidly with me. She’s dignified, correct and well-mannered. I buy her lots of clothes. Obviously, she doesn’t wear my stuff as the teens have their preferences. My cupboard is full of pyjamas, torn jeans, chappals and trashy clothes. (Laughs) People believe that an actress’ wardrobe would have all kinds of sexy clothes and gowns but it’s nothing like that.
What about Saif’s son Ibrahim?
He’s much younger. It will take time to fully connect with him. Both kids bond deeply with their father and that’s what gives them a sense of solidarity. They have a wonderful mom (Amrita Singh) who has nurtured them well.
You come from a broken home. Does that make you extra sensitive to Saif’s children?
Yes. I tell Saif that it’s important to spend time with the kids. My parents’ (Randhir Kapoor and Babita) separation did not affect my personality negatively because my father has been a wonderful friend. He may not be physically present all the time but he’s always there for me emotionally.
Saif became a father at a young age. Would you call him a more responsible father now?
I didn’t know him then. But since the last four years, right from the time we did Tashan, he has become a great father. Somewhere, he’s also more settled. The restlessness is gone. I’ve brought calm in his life. And when he’s calm, he can think well. He has a fantastic relationship with his daughter, which I wish I shared with my father. They talk about everything under the sun. She calls up to share everything with him.
Just like your presence has made him calmer, what has he brought into your life?
(Smiles) I’m just happier. I’m ready to face life in a better way. He has exposed me to much more, things which I never knew I’d like. Now, I’ve figured out what I like and what I don’t in life. If I could have some friends like Saif, it would be great.
Is he like a mentor to you?
No, not a mentor. But his biggest quality is that he lets me do what I want. Of course, I don’t stop him either. I’ve never asked Saif not to work with anyone. Instead, I always insist he work with new people.
Apparently, he wasn’t keen on you working with Hrithik Roshan and Shahid Kapoor...
Saif will always tell me what he feels and he’s never said any such thing. Even in the case of bold scenes, he understands I’m an actress and am just playing a character. He doesn’t even ask where I’m shooting.
Is Saif a reluctant actor? He doesn’t do too many films….
(Frowns) I know! Aamir Khan and Saif are the best we have. They take to their characters so beautifully. Saif does less work. He doesn’t always like what he’s offered. Agent Vinod, which he’s producing, has taken a toll on him.
Were you comfortable working with Saif as an actor-producer on Agent Vinod?
(Frowns) No man! As a producer, he’s always so stressed. I love working with Saif when he’s just acting. Frankly speaking, when I don’t like the place we’re shooting at and I say, ‘Listen, why are we shooting here?’ then it gets a little personal for him, as he’s also the producer of the film. One has to be careful about what one says or how one behaves. He involves himself in the creative aspects of the film too. If you have other aspects to look into, obviously your focus will blur and you tend to get irritated.
How to Break the Ice in an Arranged Marriage In an arranged marriage, all you need is a push in the right direction marriage, love, wedding, relationships, arranged marriage, couple
The dichotomy between love versus arranged marriages has always made for an interesting debate. Most youngsters believe that the former is always a safer bet. After all, it’s a common notion that there is little possibility of romance between couples who meet through arranged matches!
But that may not always hold true. There have been many instances of arranged marriages that have stood the test of time. What you need is a push in the right direction. Even if you have just a few weeks or months to get to know your partner better, there are ways you can have a successful arranged marriage, once you get past the initial hesitation...
Create some bonding and sharing time
Anita Desai, banker, got married to her husband Ajay just 15 days after they first met through a matchmaker. “Since he was an NRI, he had come down to India only for a month and wanted to get married within that time. Our families met a couple of times, approved the match and set the wedding date just a fortnight later. Naturally, I was terrified, as we barely knew each other. So in that limited courtship period, we decided to spend as much time as we could together. We met almost daily. Today, it’s been 10 years and we’re happily married with two kids!”
Getting to know everything about your partner, whether it’s his food preferences or his temperament, is essential and that can only be achieved when you spend time alone, instead of with your respective families. The more you are together, the better understanding you will have about your compatibility.
Find your comfort zone
Try not to meet in formal or intimidating surroundings; instead choose a setting where both of you are comfortable, so that there is a possibility of frank dialogue and discussion. After all, every relationship demands comfort, so that it can flourish. Once you create a comfort zone, it is more likely that both of you will open up to each other.
Do the little things that matter
Relationship expert, Seema Hingorrany believes that it’s the small gestures that couples do for each other that matter in the long run. “If you both have busy schedules and aren’t getting enough time with each other, you can share activities that both of you like. For example, go for Zumba classes, to the gym or for your morning jog together!” Also, every once in a while, send a random text asking him about his work or surprise him by cooking something unexpected. The list is endless…
Communicate your expectations
Expectations in an arranged marriage? We’ve been conditioned to believe that arrange marriages are mostly about compromises and sacrifices. While compromising and making adjustments is crucial for any marriage, just because you’re going in for an arranged match, doesn’t mean that you should have zero expectations from your spouse or the relationship. On a realistic level, whatever your expectations are in terms of your personal life or career, convey them to your partner and listen to his too. You never know, this could lead to a successful marriage.
Love in the time of arranged marriages...According to a study titled How Love Emerges in Arranged Marriages by American psychologist Dr Robert Epstein, those who opt for an arranged marriage and have their partner chosen for them by a parent or suitable matchmaker, tend to feel more in love as time grows, whereas those in love marriages feel less in love over time. Also, within ten years, the connection felt by those in an arranged marriage setup is said to be almost twice as strong! Wonder why? Well, the reason being that arranged matches are usually carefully considered, with a lot of thought going into whether potential partner’s family, interests and life goals are compatible. Epstein discovered that the one key to a strong arranged marriage is the amount of parental involvement at the beginning. After all, families of most couples screen for deal breakers, while finding potential mates, which eventually helps in the long run.
Fun Facts About Peppercorn You Didn't Know Pepper can be used in seasoning, flavouring, pickling, in soups, sauces & stews spices, pepper, food, condiment, desserts, sauces
A condiment derived from the pepper plant native to India, Java and the Sunda islands, pepper has, since time immemorial been the most popular and widespread spice in the world, mentioned as far back as 1000 BC in ancient Sanskrit literature. The name pepper comes from the Sanskrit word pippali meaning berry. Even before Alexander the Great introduced it to Greece, it had been widely used in India and China for centuries.
During the middle ages, it also served as currency exchange. There’s a story about a King in ancient India who, besides being a great warrior and statesman, was a connoisseur of spices. He so loved spices that when introduced to a new spice would present the person with a bag of gold. One day a merchant gifted him a bag of peppercorns, and walked away with a bag of gold and a piece of land as well. A few months later, another merchant gifted the king a bag of chillies and the king was so pleased that instead of gold, he gave the merchant a bag of pepper.
The different types of pepper we get in the market come from the same plant; the only difference is the stage of maturity when harvested. The common black peppercorns – the most pungent – are a dried version of the mature reddish brown peppercorns. Green peppercorns are the unripe variety with a fruity rather than pungent flavour. White pepper is used mainly in white or light coloured sauces, gravies and soups and is basically ripe peppercorns with the husk removed. This is less pungent compared to
black pepper. Finally there is grey pepper which is a blend of white and black pepper.
The list of pepper’s culinary uses is exhausting. It can be used as seasoning, flavouring, pickling, in soups, sauces, stews, garam masala mixes and many more. India is one of the few countries that freeze dried green peppercorns which are used for its subtle flavour in the manufacture of cheeses and pates, sausage preparations and in brine as a pickle by itself.
Changing times and trends in food have taken pepper beyond spicy food towards desserts. It’s a great combination with vanilla, chocolate, strawberries, apples, pineapple, etc. In India too, “winter special” sweets like Halwasan, saunth ke laddoo have a dash of pepper added to them. India’s famous masala chai has a dash of pepper along with ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and saffron.
The Foodie's Table. With the first showers of rain and the slight nip in the air, we've all got our appetites back. So feast your heart out this June brings you the ultimate food special. Prepare to don the chef's hat with our exotic recipes from chefs and bloggers as well as cooking, baking and food-styling tips. What's more, our information on the top wines, cheeses, desserts and more from around the world make for the most drool-worthy spread you've ever imagined!
ரிலீசுக்கு தயார் நிலையில் மூன்று படங்கள்! உற்சாகத்தில் தனுஷ் Three movies, ready to release - Dhanush happy,ரிலீசுக்கு தயார் நிலையில் மூன்று படங்கள்! உற்சாகத்தில் தனுஷ்,
ஆடுகளத்துக்குப்பிறகு தனுஷ் நடித்த மயக்கம் என்ன, 3 ஆகிய படங்கள் தோல்வி
அடைந்ததால், பலத்த அதிர்ச்சியில் இருந்தார் மனிதர். அந்த நேரம்
பார்த்துதான் ஒரு சேஞ்சுக்காக வேற்று மொழிப்படங்களில் நடிக்கலாமே என்று
ராஞ்சனா படம் மூலம் இந்தியில் பிரவேசித்தார். அப்படம் ஒரே கல்லில் இரண்டு
மாங்காயாட்டம் தமிழிலும் உருவானதால் தனுசுக்கு இரட்டிப்பு மகிழ்ச்சி.
இதற்கிடையே, இந்தியில் முதல் படமாக இருந்தபோதும், துணிச்சலாக டப்பிங்கும் பேசினார். இதையடுத்து அப்படத்தில் கதாநாயகியாக நடித்துள்ள சோனம்கபூரின் தந்தை அனில்கபூர் தனுஷின் நடிப்பு குறித்து மும்பை மீடியாக்களில் பெருமையாக பேட்டி கொடுத்தார். முதல் படத்திலேயே பெரிய நடிகரின் பாராட்டு கிடைத்ததால், அடுத்து இந்தி சினிமாவையும் ஒரு கலக்கு கலக்குவோம் என்ற முடிவுக்கு வந்து விட்டார் தனுஷ்.
இப்படி அவர் நடித்த ராஞ்சனா இப்போது தமிழிலும் அம்பிகாபதி என்ற பெயரில் வெளியாகிறது. அதோடு, தமிழில் நடித்த மரியான் படமும் திரைக்கு வர தயார் நிலையில் உள்ளது. ஆக, ஒரே நேரத்தில் தனது நடிப்பில் ராஞ்சனா, அம்பிகாபதி, மரியான் என மூன்று படங்கள் ரசிகர்களின் பார்வைக்கு வரப்போவதால் சொல்ல முடியாத சந்தோஷத்தில் இருக்கிறார் தனுஷ். அதோடு, மூன்று படங்களுமே வெற்றி பெற்று தன்னை அடுத்த கட்டத்துக்கு அழைத்துச் செல்ல வேண்டும் என்றும் கடவுளை வேண்டிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறாராம் அவர்.
இதற்கிடையே, இந்தியில் முதல் படமாக இருந்தபோதும், துணிச்சலாக டப்பிங்கும் பேசினார். இதையடுத்து அப்படத்தில் கதாநாயகியாக நடித்துள்ள சோனம்கபூரின் தந்தை அனில்கபூர் தனுஷின் நடிப்பு குறித்து மும்பை மீடியாக்களில் பெருமையாக பேட்டி கொடுத்தார். முதல் படத்திலேயே பெரிய நடிகரின் பாராட்டு கிடைத்ததால், அடுத்து இந்தி சினிமாவையும் ஒரு கலக்கு கலக்குவோம் என்ற முடிவுக்கு வந்து விட்டார் தனுஷ்.
இப்படி அவர் நடித்த ராஞ்சனா இப்போது தமிழிலும் அம்பிகாபதி என்ற பெயரில் வெளியாகிறது. அதோடு, தமிழில் நடித்த மரியான் படமும் திரைக்கு வர தயார் நிலையில் உள்ளது. ஆக, ஒரே நேரத்தில் தனது நடிப்பில் ராஞ்சனா, அம்பிகாபதி, மரியான் என மூன்று படங்கள் ரசிகர்களின் பார்வைக்கு வரப்போவதால் சொல்ல முடியாத சந்தோஷத்தில் இருக்கிறார் தனுஷ். அதோடு, மூன்று படங்களுமே வெற்றி பெற்று தன்னை அடுத்த கட்டத்துக்கு அழைத்துச் செல்ல வேண்டும் என்றும் கடவுளை வேண்டிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறாராம் அவர்.
நடிகர் தியாகராஜனின் 60வது பிறந்தநாள் கொண்டாட்டம் Thiagarajans 60th birthday celebration, நடிகர் தியாகராஜனின், 60வது பிறந்தநாள், கொண்டாட்டம்
நடிகர் தியாகராஜனின் 60வது பிறந்தநாள் கொண்டாட்டம் சென்னையிலுள்ள
பிரசாந்த் டவரில் கோலாகலமாக நடந்தது. இப்பிறந்தநாள் கொண்டாட்டத்தில்
தியாகராஜனை கவுரவிக்கும் விதமாக ஜோய் ஆலூக்காஸ் நிறுவனத்தின் தலைவர் ஜோய்,
‘தி பாதர் ஆப் தி மில்லேனியம்’ என்னும் விருதை தியாகராஜனுக்கு வழங்கினார்.
இந்த விழாவில் பழம்பெரும் நடிகை சரோஜாதேவி, நடிகர் நாசர், அவரது மனைவி
கமீலா நாசர், சின்னி ஜெயந்த், நளினி, அம்பிகா, டைரக்டர் ராஜகுமாரன்,
டைரக்டர் பாக்யராஜ், பூர்ணிமா பாக்யராஜ் ஆகியோர் கலந்துகொண்டனர். நடிகர்
பிரசாந்த் விருந்தினர்களை வரவேற்றார்.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
yoga, monsoon disease, monsoon, monsoon yoga monsoon yoga fight monsoon ailments with bhujangasana
Monsoon not only brings along refreshing showers but also various diseases like dysentery, asthma, arthritis, nasal and skin allergies begin to surface. Immunity plays a key role in fending off such diseases. Yoga trainer Vivek Mishra, emphasises on practising Bhujangasana to stay healthy this monsoon.
ry this yoga to fight lung infection and to boost your immunity
1. Lie flat on the stomach on the mat with legs straight, feet together, toes facing outside and forehead on the floor.
2. Place your hands directly under the chest; your thumbs should touch the nipples. Relax the whole body.
3. Inhale, lift your head up, chest up and stretch your head back as far as possible. Make sure you are comfortable doing it.
4. See that the arms remain half bent at the elbows.
5. In this asana, the lungs stay vertical and expand transversely. As a result you will be able to breathe in more oxygen.
6. Hold the position as long as you can without experiencing any difficulty. Now exhale while lowering the body. Do 3-5 times.
7 Signs You are Dating a Control Freak control freak, boyfriend, girlfriend, dating, relationship, couple If you notice that you are defending yourself most of the time before him, he’s a control freak.
Possessive to the core: Yes, this is a key and, probably, the first sign your partner will show when he’s a control freak. Can he never take situations lightly especially when it deals with other men? Is he always suspecting you of hitting on others? Does he make a scene to show you off in front of people because he wants to prove you belong to him? That surely is an indicator.
You are not 'you' anymore: When your friends start complaining that you've changed excessively and try explaining the change to you, that's a sign. Remember, friends always get to know such things before anyone else, and will hint about it to you too.
He needs to know every take: No matter how personal it is, no matter which friend it is about, your boyfriend needs to know the details like nobody else does. And God forbid, if you decide not to tell him about something, the drama that follows, will totally not be worth the trouble.
He has a rulebook for you: There's a list of dos and don'ts he chalks out for you, and also a list of what is good and/or bad for you; just that he adds endearments like baby, honey, darling, along with the lineup! And he's so busy telling you right from wrong, that by now you start thinking the way he does, liking and disliking the same things he does.
You are always answerable to him: No matter what happens, your boyfriend will want a justification included with the account. If you notice that you are defending yourself most of the time before him, he’s a control freak. He needs to know your every move, that's how he likes it. Thus he makes sure you let him know the reasons why you've done a certain thing or behaved in a certain way.
He involves the family: So you've done something without telling your parents and your boyfriend doesn't approve of it either. Here's when he plays his trump card, informs your parents on your behalf thereby endearing himself to them and leaving you to face the brickbats alone. But hey! it's for "your good" anyway. "Stop cribbing."
He spies: When your boyfriend is sleuthing around and busy gathering information about you from close friends, he's controlling. Get to know how often he speaks to your friends and whether he inquires much about you.
Peek into the Life of a Wedding Planner The main skills of a good wedding planner are excellent communication skills, patience and creativity. weddings, wedding planner, Candice Pereira, wedding planning, couple, marriage
When I tell people what I do for a living, they usually get quite fascinated! I get all kinds of reactions – Really?? Wow! What is it like to be a wedding planner? What fun! Do you meet any bridezillas? Tell us more...
Yes, it is fun, exciting and very interesting like any job can be if you enjoy what you do. My day involves doing many different things and no two days are ever the same. A regular day begins at the office, where I like to spend a while replying to emails, discussions with the team and completing general office work. The rest of my day consists of all kinds of stuff – meeting with couples and their families, visiting venues, developing new products for our store, meeting with vendors... the list is endless.
Of course, there are the fun moments... chocolate and cake tastings, music rehearsals and of course, travelling to beautiful destinations for weddings. But apart from this, the job is equally stressful and demanding. We work on crazy deadlines and timelines with most often, lots of changes and more changes almost till the end. It is after all, a wedding, one of the most important days in anyone’s life so you want it to be perfect!
My favourite part of the job (as I often get asked) is meeting with clients, getting to know them, understanding their personalities and then working closely with them towards the big day. The look on their faces on the day itself makes the entire stressful process worth it. I love seeing that look of satisfaction and that we actually made their vision a reality.
I also get a whole lot of enquiries from others who would like to work with us or get into the business, so here's a little bit of advice. The main skills essential for a good wedding planner are excellent communication skills, patience and creativity. Great time management skills and the ability to stay organised and focused in the most stressful of situations is also a must! It's essential to stay abreast of the trends and news in the world of weddings, stay in touch with vendors and keep in touch with what's new in the wedding market.
Going forward, I would love to hear from you – answer your questions and help out with any dilemmas you are facing in your wedding planning process.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Chivas Brothers’ Diamond Tribute to Queen Elizabeth royal salute, pernod ricard, the diamond tribute, Queen Elizabeth, coronation, royal gun salute, Buckingham palace, Colin Scott, scotch, whisky, blended whisky, casks, spirits, alcohol, food & drinks
Served at a reception at HM's palace, The Diamond Tribute by Royal Salute was introduced in cohesion with Queen Elizabeth II’s 62 round royal gun salute at her 60th coronation ceremony.
Set to be a permanent fixture in their portfolio, this glamorous addition ups the traditional ruby, emerald and sapphire glazes that have long formed the line-up of the brand’s ode to royalty.
In the bottle is a fine blend of whiskies that have been held by casks over more than 21 years, and find their source at Royal Salute’s oldest distillery in the Highlands.
And while the whisky hasn’t made it to the open market yet, master blender Colin Scott describes the concoction as an intense and warm whisky that has rich punctuations of peach and sweet poached pears, finished off with some sherry and spicy liquorice tang.
Distributed by Chivas Brothers of Pernod Ricard, Royal Salute The Diamond Tribute will hit travel retail stores in July with a price tag of $270 (Rs 15,700 approx).
How to Help Your Partner Cope with Depression depression, relationships, health, partner, couples, love, care, wife
This is not about any person, and yet it is
about all of us! We see around us all kinds of people, broken and
unable to catch the balls life throws at them, and also those who choose
to get out of the game. We have all come across such people, and
sometimes even been one of them. We know the signs and yet, we are
afraid to do anything to save ourselves from the heartache.
The first truth about these situations is that these people were not weak. They were just unable to cope. And those of us who get left behind spend our lives thinking, “If only.”
So here’s a way to be strong, for them and for us. If you see someone who is unable to cope, instead of chiding, get them help. Much as we would like to be the ones who pull our loved ones out of depression, we are not qualified to do this. Sometimes a person just needs that uninvolved ear...one that has no opinion, no reaction and no agenda except to help. And someone who is not bogged down by what is happening to this person we love. They need to seek the help of a medical professional.
To most people seeking this kind of help is a sign of weakness. It says, “I don’t have the strength to deal with this.” The other question is, “what will people say?” The same people who are unable or unwilling to help. And then of course, “why should I go to a psychiatrist? I’m not mad!” Most times, families too are unwilling to take this step though they see the person withering away. And then, they live with regret.
If you see signs of depression or angst which refuse to go away in yourself or in another person, get help. Don’t be one of those people who gossip about it. Don’t think of yourself as weak or helpless and worry about the world at large. There is no shame in getting professional help. It is medical science after all, and we do run to a doctor
for things as small as a cold. Then why not do it for something that could potentially be life or at least happiness threatening?
When we see this, or meet a person who wants and seeks help, the thing to remember is that it is not weakness. It takes a lot of strength to take this step to sort out your life. So go for it and raise a toast to mental health, ours and those we love.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
How to Choose Your Kitchen Knives kitchen, knives, cooking, cooking tips, kitchen tips
The structure of a knife
Blade: The blade is the part that does the cutting. The best knives are fully forged as a single piece including the blade, bolster and tang from a tough stainless steel alloy that resists dulling and takes a very sharp edge.
Bolster: The bolster is the part of the knife between the blade and the handle. The best bolsters are shaped to suit the function of each knife type. For instance, a boning knife should have a sturdy bolster to keep fingers from slipping forward onto the blade. On the other hand, a chef's knife lasts longer if the bolster is tapered to allow sharpening of the entire edge, which is used during chopping.
Tang: The tang is the metal extension of the bolster that is inside the handle. The best tang extends the full length of the handle. A tang may be shaped with one or more metal "knobs". The end knob helps keep the handle on while other knobs are added to make sure the knife is balanced over the working fingers.
Handle: The handle is the part of the knife you hold. The best handles are moulded onto the tang to seal out bacterial contamination. Moulded handles can be weighted differently to create the perfect balance for each type of knife. Handles should be finished with a slip-resistant grip.
Knife selection
A knife is an extension of your hand. A good knife is well-balanced, comfortable to hold and stays sharp for a long time so you get maximum cutting from minimum effort. Select knives that fit your hand well and are comfortable to use. A knife should be balanced over the working fingers and should have a textured grip that keeps it from slipping out of your hand when it's wet. A moulded-on handle seals out bacterial contamination. Fully forged knives take a sharper edge and stay sharp longer.
The knives
Chef's knife: Sometimes called a "cook's" knife or "French" knife, the chef's knife is used for chopping food on a cutting board and is designed so the blade can be rocked from tip to heel for the most efficient, least tiring cutting motion. Most professional chefs hold the chef's knife with the thumb and forefinger gripping the top of the blade just in front of the bolster and the last three fingers curled around the handle. This gives a great deal of cutting control and reduces chopping fatigue. Food to be chopped is guided by the other hand, which is positioned with the fingers and thumb curled under the second knuckles to keep them out of the way of the knife. Whatever the size of the chef's knife, there should be sufficient knuckle clearance under the handle so you don't bruise them during chopping.
Another important feature is the bolster of the chef's knife. The entire edge of the chef's knife must be in contact with the cutting surface for optimum results. If you use a knife sharpener with angle guides (such as Chef'sChoice sharpeners) to maintain a sharp blade edge, it's important the bolster be tapered so the edge is thin enough to allow the entire edge to fit into the knife sharpener. If the bolster is too thick, an indentation will form near it and the cutting ability of the knife will be compromised. TIP: Always use a cutting board that does not dull knives such as those constructed of polyethylene or polypropylene.
Paring knife: This small knife is used for peeling, trimming and garnishing. It is held with the fingers curled around the handle and the handle is held against the palm. The thumb and tip of the forefinger are often used to guide the food to the blade. The paring knife should have a good-sized bolster (the bolster is the part of the knife between the blade and the handle) to prevent the fingers from slipping onto the blade edge during use.
Boning knife: A boning knife is used to remove skin and cut meat from bones and into portions for storing or cooking. It is designed to be rigid enough to cut precisely but flexible enough to bend slightly when it hits bone. The grip should be slip-resistant and the bolster should be good-sized to prevent the fingers to slip onto the blade edge during use. It is held with all four fingers curled around the handle. The thumb and forefinger may be held against the bolster to guide the cutting action. NOTE: If you never bone your own meat, you may wish to select a utility knife instead as part of your basic set.
Carver / slicer: This knife is designed for cutting slices of meat, poultry and fish steaks. It should have a long blade designed to be rigid enough to slice straight, uniform portions, but with just enough flexibility to carve around the bone. It is held with all four fingers curled around and under the handle. The thumb and forefinger may be held against the bolster to help guide the knife.
Utility knife: Sometimes called a "sandwich" knife, this is an all-purpose knife used for slicing, trimming and small chopping jobs and may well be the most versatile in the basic kitchen set. It is usually larger than a paring knife and is smaller than a slicer. It does not have the knuckle clearance of the chef's knife, which limits its effective performance to smaller jobs. It is held with all four fingers and the thumb wrapped around the handle.
Bread knife: A bread knife is almost always serrated because the motion of slicing bread (especially the crust, which is often hard) is essentially sawing. The bread knife is held with all fingers and the thumb wrapped around the handle. A high-quality bread knife should be sharp enough to cut cakes into layers; even cut an angel food cake without compressing it. TIP: Here's how to slice a cake into thin layers. Put the cake on a lazy Susan. Hold a sharp bread knife horizontally (parallel to the work surface) and slowly move it through the cake while rotating the lazy Susan. Repeat if desired until you have as many nice, even slices as you want.
Always store knives carefully. A wood block or wood drawer insert sheaths the blades to prevent someone from inadvertently grabbing the blade instead of the handle. They also prevent the blade from becoming dull or knocking against other items and cutting them.
Always sharpen your knives with a honing steel which should be two inches longer than your knife. Keep a napkin on the kitchen floor and hold your steel straight, start sharpening your knife by running it through from the top to the tip at a 22 degree angle on one side and then repeat on the other side. Repeat this a few times till your knife is sharpened and has returned to its original aligning. Wipe it clean with a napkin and it's ready to use.
Ajay Devgn: Kajol Has Made Me a Responsible Person Ajay Devgn, actor, Bollywood, Kajol, films, family, children
After Kajal Agarwal, you’ve worked with Tamannaah. What makes actresses from the South so much in demand?
Often, a new face is required for a character. The girls who have worked down South are fresh faces for Hindi films. They have experience and are professional. Tamannaah is a big star in the South and that counts.
How important is the box office for you?
Business has always been the most important thing. You make a film for people to like it. And that will happen when you make good films. And when the film is good, it’ll definitely fetch money. So ultimately, it’s the same thing. Whether you make a film for money, praise or satisfaction, basically you are making it for the audience.
Often filmmakers compromise on quality to make their films commercially successful…
No, to win the audience’s favour, it’s important for the film to be good. It’s not that you compromise to get the audience’s favour; rather, you have to work hard for that and improve on your entertainment quality.
Your alleged animosity with Shah Rukh Khan is legendary. What’s the truth?
Personally, we have no problem, no tension, no issues and nothing to do with each other. When we meet, which is rare, we are cordial. We are colleagues and we care equally about everyone in the industry.
Do you feel that the industry has pampered the three Khans (Shah Rukh, Aamir and Salman)?
No, absolutely not. I have no problems with them being pampered.
Do you feel the fight with Yash Raj Films happened at the wrong time because Yash Chopra had just passed away and the industry’s sympathies were with them?
There was no sympathy as such and our intention was not to hurt anyone. I was just demanding what was fair. As for Yashji, I respect him as much as anyone else. He has given a lot to the industry. My fight was not against Yashji. It’s a fight between right and wrong. Call it bad timing.
But YRF reacted by not inviting Kajol for the premiere of Jab Tak Hai Jaan despite their long association with her…
It was the right reaction. I appreciate straightforward people. I don’t like those who feel differently and behave differently. I like people who are the same on your face and behind your back. At least, it’s clear whether you are on this side or that side of the line.
You consider your daughter Nysa a true critic. Which of your performances has she liked?
She likes all my comedies. She liked the Taki o taki song in Himmatwala. For the first time, she said that I’d danced well.
You’ve been doing just two films at a time…
These days it’s difficult to do more than two films a year because promotions take up a lot of time. Earlier, you would do a film and move on but now you also have to promote it. Now it’s a bigger ball game.
You’ve also diversified into business…
We have started a solar power project in Gujarat. Another new project is coming up in Rajasthan. I’m also planning to produce films.
You and Kajol have been married for 14 years. What’s that one thing that hasn’t changed about her?
She is honest and frank as ever. If she believes something is wrong, she says it right on your face. She doesn’t care how you will take it.
What’s the secret of your successful marriage?
Both of us work hard at it. We have to understand each other and move accordingly. We also have to make compromises and need to keep each other’s likes and dislikes in mind. You have to find a middle path and that can only happen when you both agree to do it.
Do you remember meeting Kajol for the first time?
Yes, a bit. It was a casual meeting with just a hello on the set of some film.
Have the two of you come closer after the birth of Nysa and Yug?
Well, you definitely do come closer when you have kids. You mature and the bond deepens. But it also increases your troubles because you are unable to spend enough time with each other. However, you don’t grudge that because you are spending that time with your kids.
Where does Kajol’s strength lie?
In her confidence and talent.
What has she added to your personality?
She has made me a responsible person. Fifteen years ago, I was different — absolutely violent; I’d behave in any manner anywhere. Now, that has changed.
How easy is it for you to please an upset Kajol?
Not easy at all! But we have an understanding that if we realise that the mistake is ours then we go ahead and accept it. We don’t add to the problem, we get done with it.
You’re known to be a good cook, what do you prepare for her?
I don’t cook especially for her; I cook for the entire family, especially for my daughter. She enjoys my cooking.
Being a Single Parent When I was single, I wanted to marry someone who had kids. I love kids, and it seemed perfect! I would have a readymade family with no pressure of producing kids! And a kid is a kid and doesn’t need to come out of me to be loved!
When I was single, I wanted to marry someone who had kids. I love kids, and it seemed perfect! I would have a readymade family with no pressure of producing kids! And a kid is a kid and doesn’t need to come out of me to be loved!
Someone I know, a single mother of a 9 year old, remarried recently. When I asked her what it was like, she said, “we feel like a family again!” and she proceeded to touch wood. Here is a woman who gets a salute from me. She had the courage to try to find her happiness. And that alone makes her a superwoman for me!
We’ve seen people raising eye brows at people who marry people with kids. We also look askance at anyone who has kids and wants to marry again! But truth is that it is tough enough to have a kid and to lose your spouse to that big hole in the sky or to be a divorcee. Being single is tough, being a single parent tougher! Imagine the lonely nights, managing work, home, the bills, the society, and add to this mix a child, who for no fault of his/her is being brought up without having a complete family!
It is great to call these people super parents, but let’s look at their lives full of pressure. You tend to either snap, become helpless, be omni-present or over compensate. I agree most do a good job, but at an immense cost to themselves! The emptiness, need for companionship, the hope for support doesn’t ever go away, does it?
And if you meet someone they could be with, there is always the worry..What if the child hates him? What if he hates my baby? What do I do when the absentee parent shows up? How will I react when the step parent admonishes the child?
The fact is that a child reacts to love. He/she may take time to adjust, but before it gets to that point, the parent needs to have courage and say, I’m going to give happiness another chance…guilt free.” Because life is about second chances and a lot of happiness!
Pho Teak Talay (spicy seafood soup with herb) recipe, international recipes, food, Thai, cooking tips, phad thai, thai curry
100 gm Prawns
20 gm Button mushrooms
100 gm Fish fillet
200 ml Chicken stock
15 gm Lemongrass
2 tbsp Tamarind juice
10 gm Galangal
1 tbsp Fish sauce
3 gm Kaffir lime leaves
1 tsp Sugar
10 gm Shallots
3 gm Basil leaves
10 gm Cherry tomato
Method: Put the chicken stock in a pot. Add all the ingredients except the fish sauce, tamarind juice, basil leaves, fish and prawns. Cook for sometime stirring frequently. Then add the fish, prawns and the seasoning and simmer. Place in a serving bowl and add the basil leaves.
Gaeng Kuaw Phak (Southern village style vegetable curry) recipe, international recipes, food, Thai, cooking tips, phad thai, thai curry
1/2 cup Coconut milk
1/2 cup Mix diced vegetables (carrot, zucchini, baby corn, broccoli)
2 tbsp Red curry paste
2 tbsp Tamarind juice
6 Kaffir lime leaves
1/4 cup Thai basil leaves
2 tbsp Light soya sauce
1/2 tbsp Sugar
Method: Heat 1/3 can of coconut milk in a deep pan over medium high heat. When the coconut milk starts to bubble, add red curry paste and blend it into the coconut milk. Add the tamarind juice, soya sauce, sugar and stir. Add the mix vegetables and mix it in with the sauce. Add 1/2 of the remaining can of coconut milk if the mixture is too dry. When the vegetable is cooked, add kaffir lime leaves and stir. Add more coconut milk if the mixture looks too dry. Finish it with basil and turn off the heat.
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